Orjinal Araştırma Makalesi    |    Açık Erişim
Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi 2023, Clt. 5(2) 229-250

The Relationship Between School Principals' Leadership Styles and the School's Synergetic Climate and Organizational Attractiveness

Muaz Çağırman & Servet Atik

ss. 229 - 250

Yayın Tarihi: Aralık 31, 2023  |   Görüntüleme Sayısı: 83/166   |   İndirilme Sayısı: 123/216


In order to keep the organization alive according to its goals and to ensure its continuity, there is a need for managers with leadership qualities who use the available human and material resources as efficiently as possible. One of the factors that ensure the continuity of the organization and its strong ties is the synergetic climate in the organization. One of the important organizational factors affecting individuals' performance in their jobs is organizational attractiveness. This study aims to examine the relationship between school principals' leadership styles (transformational leadership, autocratic leadership, supportive leadership) and schools' synergetic climates and organizational attractiveness. The sample of the research consists of teachers working in the central districts of Battalgazi and Yeşilyurt in Malatya province. Leadership Styles Scale, Synergetic Climate Scale and Organizational Attractiveness Scale were used as data collection tools in the research. By analyzing the model created within the scope of this research using structural equation modeling, two of the seven hypotheses presented for the research were rejected and five hypotheses were accepted. It was revealed that transformational leadership, autocratic leadership, supportive leadership and synergetic climate variables directly or indirectly affect organizational attractiveness. In addition, leadership styles and synergetic climate endogenous variables together explain approximately 57% of the variance in the organizational attractiveness exogenous variable.

Anaktar kelimeler: Leadership styles, school principal, synergetic climate, organizational attractiveness, teacher.

Bu makaleye nasıl atıf yapılır

APA 7th edition
Cagirman, M., & Atik, S. (2023). The Relationship Between School Principals' Leadership Styles and the School's Synergetic Climate and Organizational Attractiveness. Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi, 5(2), 229-250.

Cagirman, M. and Atik, S. (2023). The Relationship Between School Principals' Leadership Styles and the School's Synergetic Climate and Organizational Attractiveness. Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi, 5(2), pp. 229-250.

Chicago 16th edition
Cagirman, Muaz and Servet Atik (2023). "The Relationship Between School Principals' Leadership Styles and the School's Synergetic Climate and Organizational Attractiveness". Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi 5 (2):229-250.

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