Araştırma Makalesi    |    Açık Erişim
Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi 2023, Clt. 5(2) 220-228

The Effect of Teachers' Curriculum Literacy Levels on Their Curriculum Orientation and Curriculum Fidelity

Aydın Albak, Burak Kuru, Hacı Ahmet Kavun, Şerife Asiltürk Kavun, Oğuz Kazak & Erhan Yıldır

ss. 220 - 228

Yayın Tarihi: Aralık 31, 2023  |   Görüntüleme Sayısı: 65/199   |   İndirilme Sayısı: 105/275


A curriculum is a type of program that aims to achieve specific learning objectives, encompassing a planned and structured learning process. The effectiveness of these curriculum will be ensured by the direct implementer, which is the teacher. The effectiveness of curriculum can be determined by establishing a link between teachers' curriculum orientations, curriculum fidelity, and program outcomes. At the same time, understanding what the plan is in the implementation phase of the curriculum can be considered as the relationship between curriculum literacy and fidelity to the curriculum. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between teachers' curriculum literacy levels and their curriculum orientation and curriculum fidelity and to examine the effects of curriculum literacy levels on curriculum orientations and fidelity to the curriculum. The data were collected from 292 teachers who are teaching in Turkey. The teachers participating in the research work in a large city located in the southeast region of Turkey. Data from teachers were collected online in the spring of 2021 due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The data of the study were collected using three different scales. As a result of this study, aimed at contributing to the literature and the relevant field by determining the relationship between teachers' curriculum literacy levels, curriculum orientations, and curriculum fidelity, it has been established that the program literacy level has a direct, positive, and statistically significant effect on curriculum orientations (γ=0.340; p<0.001). Additionally, the study supports that program orientations have a direct, positive, and significant effect on curriculum fidelity (β=0.44; p<0.001). Furthermore, it has been determined that the curriculum literacy level has a direct, positive, and statistically significant effect on curriculum fidelity (γ=0.20; p<0.001). In this context, the findings indicate that curriculum literacy levels have positive, direct, and significant effects on curriculum orientation and curriculum fidelity.

Anaktar kelimeler: Curriculum Fidelity, Curriculum Literacy, Curriculum Orientation

Bu makaleye nasıl atıf yapılır

APA 7th edition
Albak, A., Kuru, B., Kavun, H.A., Kavun, S.A., Kazak, O., & Yildir, E. (2023). The Effect of Teachers' Curriculum Literacy Levels on Their Curriculum Orientation and Curriculum Fidelity. Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi, 5(2), 220-228.

Albak, A., Kuru, B., Kavun, H., Kavun, S., Kazak, O. and Yildir, E. (2023). The Effect of Teachers' Curriculum Literacy Levels on Their Curriculum Orientation and Curriculum Fidelity. Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi, 5(2), pp. 220-228.

Chicago 16th edition
Albak, Aydin, Burak Kuru, Haci Ahmet Kavun, Serife Asilturk Kavun, Oguz Kazak and Erhan Yildir (2023). "The Effect of Teachers' Curriculum Literacy Levels on Their Curriculum Orientation and Curriculum Fidelity". Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi 5 (2):220-228.

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