|  ISSN: 2687-5314

Orjinal Araştırma Makalesi | Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi 2024, Cil. 6(3) 313-333

Technological Advancements and International Organizations in Education: A Comparative Study of China and Myanmar in The Context of Deglobalization

Caroline Anne Baldwin & Hasan Nasırcı

ss. 313 - 333   |  Makale No: MANU-2410-02-0006.R1

Yayın tarihi: Aralık 31, 2024  |   Okunma Sayısı: 14  |  İndirilme Sayısı: 17


This study explores how technological advancements and international organizations shape the education systems in China and Myanmar, especially under the influence of deglobalization. The research analyzes how deglobalization impacts technology integration in education and assesses the role of international organizations and foreign aid in educational reforms. Through a comparative study, it highlights the differences and similarities between the two countries in technological adoption, government initiatives, and reliance on external aid. Using a mixed-methods approach, both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered via surveys from students in both nations. These surveys examined students' perspectives on technology use, the influence of international organizations, career preparation, and academic exchanges. The results show significant disparities between China and Myanmar. While China benefits from strong government investment and innovation in educational technologies, Myanmar faces obstacles due to its political instability and dependence on international aid. Chinese students report feeling better prepared for the global workforce, whereas Myanmar students struggle with financial barriers and lack access to exchange programs. This study sheds light on how deglobalization affects education in various socio-political settings, emphasizing the critical role of government support and international cooperation. It calls for context-specific strategies to overcome the challenges faced by countries like Myanmar and concludes with a recommendation for further research on the long-term effects of these trends on educational outcomes.

Anahtar Kelimeler: deglobalization, comparative study, educational reform, international organizations, educational technology

Bu makaleye nasıl atıf yapılır?

APA 6th edition
Baldwin, C.A. & Nasirci, H. (2024). Technological Advancements and International Organizations in Education: A Comparative Study of China and Myanmar in The Context of Deglobalization . Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi, 6(3), 313-333.

Baldwin, C. and Nasirci, H. (2024). Technological Advancements and International Organizations in Education: A Comparative Study of China and Myanmar in The Context of Deglobalization . Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi, 6(3), pp. 313-333.

Chicago 16th edition
Baldwin, Caroline Anne and Hasan Nasirci (2024). "Technological Advancements and International Organizations in Education: A Comparative Study of China and Myanmar in The Context of Deglobalization ". Anadolu Türk Eğitim Dergisi 6 (3):313-333.

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