For Authors

Review and Publication Processes of Articles

The evaluation process of articles submitted to ATED progresses through the following stages:

The article is reviewed by the Editor to assess if it aligns with ATED requirements in terms of its purpose, subject, content, and writing style. The article is approved by the Editor and sent to the Area Editor. Articles that are not approved by the Editor are returned to the authors for revision and resubmission.

The review by the Area Editor determines whether the article should be sent to reviewers or returned to the authors for corrections.

The selection of reviewers is based on their expertise and experience in the relevant field. Reviewers are given 20 days to review the article they receive.

If a reviewer believes they cannot complete the evaluation process within the given time, they may request an extension from the Editor or inform the Editor that they cannot review the article due to various reasons.

If a reviewer is unable to review the assigned article within the specified time frame, a reminder email is sent, which includes an additional 10 days, to complete the review process. If the reviewed manuscript is not returned within the extended time, it may be withdrawn from that reviewer and reassigned to another one.

If there is a disagreement between two reviewers (one accepting and one rejecting the article), the Area Editor examines the review reports, compares the critics and perspectives of the reviewers, and also their justifications to reach a decision.

If the Area Editor cannot reach a decision after reviewing the reports, the article is assigned to a third reviewer.

A decision regarding the article should be made within the first 90-120 days. Afterwards, the authors are informed about the decision. Accepted papers are published in the appropriate number of ATED publications.

Author Rights at ATED

 Exclusion of Specific Reviewers from the Review Process

 Authors have the right to request that the Editor does not assign their papers to specific reviewers due to conflicts of interest or other ethical issues.

Additionally, the Editor does not send any articles to these reviewers if:

● They have previously shared publications with the author(s).

● They have assisted in reading drafts of the paper.

● They have had previous conflicts with the author(s).

● They may benefit financially from the publication of the given article.

● They are affiliated with the same institution (department) as the author(s).

Withdrawing an Article

Authors have the right to withdraw their article before publication. If they wish to do so, they need to fill out and sign the 'Article Withdrawal Form' and submit it to ATED for approval. Only articles that have obtained approval from the Editorial Board can be submitted to other journals for publication.

Appealing against Review Reports or Editorial Decisions

Authors always have the right to appeal against review reports or editorial decisions. If they choose to appeal, they must provide a justification for their appeal and include any necessary documents or evidence to support their case. If deemed appropriate by the Editor, a new review round can be initiated.

Author Rights Regarding Published Articles

Authors can inform the Editor if their works published in ATED are to be used for other purposes. In response to such an inquiry, the Editorial Board will provide the relevant feedback.

Typographical Errors

Authors have the right to request the correction of typographical errors or other problematic issues arising from their own errors within five days.

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