Publication Policy


Transparency is a fundamental principle in the correspondence between authors, Editors, and Area Editors at ATED. However, the principle of preserving the anonymity of authors should be upheld in the correspondence between Editors or Area Editors and reviewers. Additionally, the identities of reviewers should not be disclosed in the reports sent to the authors.

If a reviewer believes that the assigned manuscript contains any issues related to research ethics or the data used in the study, or if there is a conflict of interest between themselves and the author(s), they must share these concerns with the Editor before starting the review process.

To ensure an integrated and consistent peer review process and contribute to the academic development of the author, the Editor may request that reviewers read each other's reports and provide comments on the reports they have read. In this case, the names and identities of the reviewers should be kept confidential.

Author Rights at ATED

 Exclusion of Specific Reviewers from the Review Process

 Authors have the right to request that the Editor does not assign their papers to specific reviewers due to conflicts of interest or other ethical issues.

Additionally, the Editor does not send any articles to these reviewers if:

● They have previously shared publications with the author(s).

● They have assisted in reading drafts of the paper.

● They have had previous conflicts with the author(s).

● They may benefit financially from the publication of the given article.

● They are affiliated with the same institution (department) as the author(s).

Withdrawing an Article

Authors have the right to withdraw their article before publication. If they wish to do so, they need to fill out and sign the 'Article Withdrawal Form' and submit it to ATED for approval. Only articles that have obtained approval from the Editorial Board can be submitted to other journals for publication.


Appealing against Review Reports or Editorial Decisions

Authors always have the right to appeal against review reports or editorial decisions. If they choose to appeal, they must provide a justification for their appeal and include any necessary documents or evidence to support their case. If deemed appropriate by the Editor, a new review round can be initiated.


Author Rights Regarding Published Articles

Authors can inform the Editor if their works published in ATED are to be used for other purposes. In response to such an inquiry, the Editorial Board will provide the relevant feedback.


Typographical Errors

Authors have the right to request the correction of typographical errors or other problematic issues arising from their own errors within five days.


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