Author Guidelines

Article Format and Contents

Authors are advised to read the following rules and guidelines and format their articles according to the relevant regulations before submitting their papers to Anatolian Turkish Journal of EducationPlease leave the author names section blank in the article template. To access the article template, please click here.

After reviewing your article proposal according to the checklist provided below and ensuring that you have made the necessary adjustments to comply with the template, please upload your draft to the Author Article Submission System.


  • Please ensure that the paper you submit to ATED has not been submitted or published in another periodical for evaluation or publication.
  • The article is formatted according to the ATED template.
  • Authors are responsible for conducting a plagiarism check of their article using one of the major plagiarism detection tools and uploading the report to the ATED system. Papers with a plagiarism rate exceeding 20% will be returned to the authors.
  • Authors are required to fill out and sign the copyright transfer form. Then, scan it and upload it to the ATED system.
  • Articles to be submitted to ATED should not exceed 25 pages or 10,000 words.

General Formatting Guidelines

The font used throughout the article (except for titles and the first page) should be Times New Roman, 11-point size. Titles should be formatted in Times New Roman, 12-point size. The page margins should be set to 2 cm for top, bottom, left, and right. The text should be justified with no hyphenation at line breaks. The text should be written as a single-column document. Paragraphs and headings should have a 1 cm indentation. Single line spacing should be used within paragraphs, and there should be a blank line between paragraphs.

Article titles should be written in Times New Roman, 12-point size, left-aligned, with a 1 cm indentation, and in bold. Please use capital letters only for the first letters, except for conjunctions and prepositions. Main headings should include the following topics: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Single line spacing should be given before and after main headings. Subheadings should be written in bold and italics, with only the first letters capitalized except for conjunctions and prepositions. Subheadings should be in a standard format without any hierarchical structure. Therefore, headings should not be numbered in the texts.

Authors should avoid using footnotes or endnotes unless absolutely necessary. Instead, the APA 7 reference system should be used. If authors believe they need to use footnotes, they should prefer Times New Roman, 8-point size.

Emphasis should be expressed using quotation marks (" ") or italics. Please avoid using bold characters in the text.

Lists within the text should be horizontal, not vertical. Roman numerals [(i), (ii), etc.] should be used instead of 1, 2, ... in the list.

Direct quotations should have a 1 cm indentation from the main text and should be written in Times New Roman, 10-point size. They should not be italicized.

The main document used for peer review may include the title, abstract, keywords, main text, references, figures and tables, and supplementary materials. The names of all authors and their affiliations should not be included in the main document.


The abstract should be written in Times New Roman font, size 10, with single line spacing and aligned to both left and right margins. The abstract should be between 200 and 250 words in length. Three to five keywords or key phrases that represent the article should be provided. Only the first letter of each keyword should be capitalized. Quotations should not be included in the abstract. The abstract should include the research aim, methods, participants, significance, and findings.

Main Text

Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies should include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion/Conclusion.

The Introduction section may include the conceptual/theoretical framework of the study, discussion of relevant literature, and the research aim that includes the problem statement or research questions. The discussion of relevant literature should provide a consistent analysis of the literature, highlight gaps and inconsistencies, and discuss actions to address these issues. The Introduction section should not contain any subsections.

The Methods section should include the research design or type of study (cross-sectional, longitudinal, survey, experimental, ethnographic, etc.), the sample and/or selection, the study population, data collection tools and methods, data analysis, and considerations of validity, reliability, and ethics.

The Results section should present the findings of the study in text, table, and figure format, and facilitate the interpretation of these results. The final section of the main text should draw conclusions from the previous section, compare them with relevant literature, and discuss the implications of the research findings considering policy, practice, and future research.

Other types of studies may allow minor variations in sections but should not include excessive details or subsections.

Tables and Figures

Tables, charts, images, graphs, and similar elements should be presented within the text, not provided as additional files. Please insert tables as editable text, not as images, although figures may be presented in different formats such as images. Table format: before and after: 0, single spacing. Tables and figures should be left-aligned and disable text wrapping. Table and figure numbers should be written in bold, Times New Roman font, size 11, such as "Table 1" or "Figure 1," while the remaining text in table and figure captions should be in standard font.

Citations and References

Both in-text citations and references should comply with the guidelines provided in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (7th edition).

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